你可能不会全部都用的到,但总有你需要用到的. 木有糟粕,仅取精华!
源自原文: Quora
包括: 官方标准参考指南,一些优质视频资源,书籍,开源库,编译器,调试器,及开发工具等......
C++标准参考 (C++ Standard references):
- Cppreference.com
- C++ 编码标准 C++ Coding Standard
- ISO标准C++ Standard C++
- C++标准推进状态 State of C++ Evolution
- CPlusPlus网站
- C++ 标准草案: 目录 Draft C++ Standard: Contents
原则指南 (Guidelines):
博客文章 (Articles):
教学&课程 (Tutorials and lessons):
- C++编程教程 C++ Programming Tutorial
- 学习C++ Learn C++
- C++教程 C++ Tutorial (tutorialspoint)
- 现代C++ Modernes C++
- CodesDope : C++ tutorial
- C++ Language - C++ Tutorials
- C++ Tutorial (Udemy)
- C++ Programming Language - GeeksforGeeks
- C++教程- 学习C++ - Cprogramming.com
- C++ Tutotial (sololearn)
- 学习C++ | 密码学 Learn C++ | Codecademy
- C++ for C程序员, A部分 C++ For C Programmers, Part A | Coursera
- C++ for C程序员, B部分 C++ For C Programmers, Part B | Coursera
- C, C++ Programming Tutorials
- C++ Tutorial (w3schools)
- C++ Tutorial (java2s)
- Learn C++ Tutorial (javapoint)
常规C++必知 (General information):
- C++之父-Bjarne Stroustrup's 主页
- C++ 专区 | DevX.com
- C++标准委员会成员 Sutter’s Mill
- 全球知名程序员社区 Stack Overflow
- C++会议 The C++ Conference
- CPP资源 The C++ Resources Network
油管视频教程 Videos (Tutorials):
Youtube 可以打开中文字幕翻译.虽然有些生硬,但是也不难理解,缺乏人工润色转化.
免费书籍 (Free C++ books):
- Free C++ Books
- Free C++ Books Download
- Free C++ Programming Book
- C++编程基础 Fundamentals of Programming C++
- Free Programming Books
必读书籍-需付费 (Not free books but the best):
免费编译器 (Free compilers):
- GCC,GNU编译器集合
- Clang C Language Family Frontend for LLVM
- Cygwin
- Minimalist GNU for Windows
- IBM C and C++ Compiler Family
- Downloads | IDE, Code, & Team Foundation Server | Visual Studio
- Intel® System Studio
- Oracle Developer Studio
在线编辑器 (Online compilers):
- Wandbox
- 编译器资源管理器 Compiler Explorer
- C++ Shell
- C++见解 C++ Insights
- Ideone.com
- Coliru
- Online C++ Compiler - online editor
- JDoodle - free Online Compiler 免费的在线编译器
- Online editor and compiler
- 在线C++编译器列表 List of Online C++ Compilers
免费IDE (Free IDEs):
- CodeLite
- Code Blocks
- Visual Studio
- Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
- Netbeans C++ Development
- Anjuta DevStudio
- Qt Creator
- Geany
- Dev-C++ -现在基本已淘汰,除了部分学校
收费IDE (Not Free IDEs):
调试工具 (Debugging tools):
- GDB: The GNU Project Debugger
- Kdevelop
- Data Display Debugger
- Valgrind Home
- Sanitizers
- Record and replay
- Windows Debugging Tools C++
免费/开源库 (Free libraries):
- Boost Library Documentation
- WxWidgets GUI Library
- C++ Interfaces for GTK+ and GNOME
- CopperSpice
- Qt | Cross-platform software development for embedded & desktop
- Eigen
- Plot utils
- Asio
- abseil
- 开源C++库列表 A list of open source C++ libraries
C++实现的算法 (Algorithms implemented in C++):
源代码浏览器 (Source code browser):